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The Lower Blogosphere Burns with the Intensity of a Thousand Suns.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Ultimate Vote

Thus begins the greatest chapter in the history of the Frozen Lower Blogosphere. By the end of the day, we shall have a legitimate ruler! Who will it be?! Will it be Gyrobo, the cunning robotic clown? Or will it be Evil Bob Dole, bent on total destruction? The possibilities are endless!!! One shall emerge a clear winner. The other will be condemned to an eternity within the confines of the Burning Sub-Blogosphere!

*The polls are now closed.*

There have been 10 Cries of Anguish:

Blogger Gyrobo maliciously intimated...

I have cast my own vote... for myself. Who didn't see that coming?!

10/27/2005 9:19 PM  
Blogger Gyrobo maliciously intimated...

Don't worry Adjuster... once Evil Bob Dole is gone, you'll come back into the fold.

They always do...

10/27/2005 10:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown maliciously intimated...

Exit polls are showing a close race. A real nail bitter! Good Luck Gyro

10/28/2005 12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous maliciously intimated...

We vote for Gyrobo!

10/28/2005 10:35 AM  
Blogger Gyrobo maliciously intimated...

No one can stop the will of the people!

Evil Bob Dole will be defeated!

10/28/2005 11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous maliciously intimated...

EBD took me off the streets, gave me a loaf of bread and took me into his heart.

10/28/2005 12:53 PM  
Blogger Cabe maliciously intimated...

Wow Evil Bob Dole is on Top.

Don't blame me, I protested the vote!

10/28/2005 5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous maliciously intimated...

Evil Bob Dole is bad for the economy!
We demand higher taxes and increased government spending!

10/28/2005 5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous maliciously intimated...

Evil Bob Dole seems to have it, the poor illiterate folks hate those butterfly electronic blog voting thingamajigs. Sorry Gyrobo, but my Highway Patrol couldn't stop the Evil vote.

10/28/2005 8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous maliciously intimated...


even I'll admit it....You lost!

10/28/2005 8:22 PM  

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